Wednesday, June 22, 2005

a cautionary tale with a happy ending

Oops, out of time before I started. This post will have a nice picture, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow. Nothing much exciting is happening, I'm in the library all day, but I do have anecdotes to share. Tomorrow you'll hear why not to ride a motorino in Piazza Venezia, why you should look carefully at your hairdresser before putting your head in his hands, and some random orinthological concerns I scribbled out today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, anticipation... What's going to happen? What's a motorino? Sounds like a Chef Boyardi concoction (not that I expect you to have nearly as much knowledge of the Chef Boyardi family of [food?] products as the rest of us, but still - a cute name).

June 23, 2005 5:24 PM  
Blogger Miss Adventure said...

I'll have you know, canned Rollercoasters with meatballs were one of my favorites as a kid. I don't think they make those anymore, or if they do the name was changed as a merchandising tie-in to some horrible Disney movie. OH! and I used to take little microwaveable ravioli tins to school. Cringing at the thought of that pasty questionable meat stuff.

June 23, 2005 6:28 PM  

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