Friday, July 01, 2005


This is either the epitome of it's-a-small-world phenomena or an example of why I am lucky to count Dominque as one of my best friends.

I sat down today to the tedium of searching through ads for a room in Bologna, responded to the emails I'd had in reply to requests for the same with a sense of hopelessness. A few sounded good, some at prices that are steep, considering, and others at prices that seem too good to be true. In the latter category was a listing that corresponded perfectly to the dates I need to be in Bologna; I half-heartedly wrote to ask to see the place.

Not half an hour ago I got a message from Dominique's friend Alvise: "I think I have a house for you in Bologna." This place, it turns out is the same one I'd written about this morning, and furthermore, is occupied by a friend of Dominique. I go to see it Monday.

I can't imagine I'll ever find an apartment as nice as the one I'm currently in. Right now there is a delicious breeze at my window (where I have to sit to get reception for wireless internet- the laptop perched on the sill). The view isn't very pretty, marred by the antennae of the neighborhood, but there is lots of sky.


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